Sunday 25 November 2012

Monkey Bars

Our poem this week is Monkey Bars and the children noticed all the 'doing words' in it, so after we had read it we went outside and they showed me all the things they could do on the Monkey Bars. Some of them are very brave!!!
Monkey Bars on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! First up we made Pumpkin Pies - thanks to Mrs Jones for buying the right sort of pumpkin from the American shop! The pies were fun to make and while we waited for them to cook we read a story called 'A Turkey for Thanksgiving' about how Mr and Mrs Moose want to have a turkey for their Thanksgiving meal - but not to eat him, just so that he can share in their lovely meal! The children enjoyed it, and we were then able to get the pies out of the oven and smell the spicy cinnamon and ginger we had put in. We sat in a circle and before we ate we went around and said one thing we were thankful for. The pies were delicious!
Happy Thanksgiving on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Junior Athletics Day

We have had a lovely sunny day for athletics and it has been so much fun on the field all morning. Have a look at the photos of the children doing their best and having fun!
Junior Athletics day on PhotoPeach


Tomorrow will be Thanksgiving day in the USA. We have learnt a little bit about what the festival is about, and yesterday we wrote about what we were thankful for. Mrs Gosnell moved our desks so that we were all sitting at a big table like they do for the special Thanksgiving meal. We wrote bout what we ware thankful for in our lives, then we read our writing out to the class. We have lots of things to be thankful for!

Rangoli patterns for Diwali

Rangoli patterns on PhotoPeach

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Mad Hatter's Day

Mad Hatter's Mufti Day on PhotoPeach
It is Wacky Hat day as well as Mufti Day and Room 14 is looking awesome! It looks like there were lots of busy parents last night!!

Monday 5 November 2012

Our Beehive Trip

We were so fortunate to visit Hannah's beehives this afternoon! We walked up the road to her house and her Mum Debbie and friend Paul showed us all the bees in the hive. We saw the lavae, drones, worker bees and the Queen Bee as well. The hives were amazing and we had lots of bees flying around us. Debbie told us how the bees collect nectar from flowers and take it back to the hive where it turns into honey to feed the larvae. She also showed us how she collects the honey carefully and drains it off the honeycomb, then heats it gently and pours it into jars. The wax is also heated and we saw the beautiful-smelling slabs of beeswax she has made. What an amazing process of change!
Before we left we went and visited her back garden where she keeps hens and grows lots of vegetables. We learnt so much from Debbie - thank you for letting us come and visit!

Our Beehive Trip

Our Visit to Hannah's Beehives on PhotoPeach

Fireworks art and writing

It has been great to hear all about what the children have been doing over the weekend and last night on Guy Fawkes night. They have done some really good writing about fireworks and I would like to share it with you here:
Guy Fawkes Night - Bang! Pow! Zoom! "That's big!" Sparklers sparkle in the night. Fireworks zoom in the sky. Displays celebrate too. Bonfires crackle and the night is lit. Jamie
Last night I let off my skyrocket. It went so so fast that it blew up the others. the fireworks shot up then they sprinkled down, pop bang in the sky. Flynt
Last night I lit some fireworks. Some went whoosh! and some went Pop! Bang! and exploded. They are bright and wonderful. My favourite was the sparklers. Wow! Louis
I lit lots of fireworks on the weekend. Some went Bang! and some went Boom! They sparkled in the air. My favourite firework was the ones that made coloured smoke. We saw ones that exploded in the air. I did sparklers too. I wrote my name. Joshua
My favourite firework is the one that looks like a tornado. It goes Whoosh! Bang! pop! Fizz! They were really really loud. I used a sparkler to write my name in the dark dark sky. At the end it was really smokey. The 5th of November is awesome. I love it when it sparkles and lights up the sky. Cody
On the weekend I let off a bonfire. The flames were bursting. It was very hot. We threw cat tails in. It was very loud. Rhyan