Monday 5 November 2012

Fireworks art and writing

It has been great to hear all about what the children have been doing over the weekend and last night on Guy Fawkes night. They have done some really good writing about fireworks and I would like to share it with you here:
Guy Fawkes Night - Bang! Pow! Zoom! "That's big!" Sparklers sparkle in the night. Fireworks zoom in the sky. Displays celebrate too. Bonfires crackle and the night is lit. Jamie
Last night I let off my skyrocket. It went so so fast that it blew up the others. the fireworks shot up then they sprinkled down, pop bang in the sky. Flynt
Last night I lit some fireworks. Some went whoosh! and some went Pop! Bang! and exploded. They are bright and wonderful. My favourite was the sparklers. Wow! Louis
I lit lots of fireworks on the weekend. Some went Bang! and some went Boom! They sparkled in the air. My favourite firework was the ones that made coloured smoke. We saw ones that exploded in the air. I did sparklers too. I wrote my name. Joshua
My favourite firework is the one that looks like a tornado. It goes Whoosh! Bang! pop! Fizz! They were really really loud. I used a sparkler to write my name in the dark dark sky. At the end it was really smokey. The 5th of November is awesome. I love it when it sparkles and lights up the sky. Cody
On the weekend I let off a bonfire. The flames were bursting. It was very hot. We threw cat tails in. It was very loud. Rhyan

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